A few weeks ago when I stopped by Sephora I picked up a sample of GlamGlow Super Mud Clearing Treatment Mask.
I've read several reviews about this mask and I wanted to try it out for myself. Like I said before, I've struggled with acne and oily skin since being a teenager. My usual go to mask is the Refining Mask from Proactiv.
It really helps to control the oil and it's amazing to put on blemishes for an overnight fix.
I was able to get 4 masks out of the sample. It does go on a dark gray and dries to a light gray color. The impurities that it pulls from your pores turn the mask a dark gray color so you will end up having a sorta polks dotted face. If you've never Googled the pictures of it, you should it is very cool.
I feel like this mask really helps my skin. After I take the mask off my face feels very clean. I'm thinking I'm going to alternate between the 2 masks. I'm anxious to see if the number of breakouts I experience lessen with continued use.
Now for the price of this puppy. This mask ain't cheap. The 1.2oz jar will cost you a stomach turning $69. I believe you can buy a smaller sample size for around $20ish.
You won't have to use very much of this stuff to get the job done. The sample size I got from Sephora was only supposed to be 1-2 uses and I've gotten 4 out of it. I've read it dries out rather quickly but you can add a little water to it and that will also extend the uses.
If you haven't tried this mask, you should definitely ask for a sample the next time you are in Sephora.
Until next time!
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