I grab a small plastic cup and add enough warm water so I can submerge the bristles of the brushes. I add just a small amount of kids shampoo and stir with my finger until I have some nice suds.
I take my brushes and dip them in the water and smoosh them against the bottom of the cup so I can make sure I get the whole brush clean and not just the outer sides.
I rinse the brush under the faucet in cold water. Make sure you get all the soap out of the brush.
Once rinsed I squeeze the remaining water out of the bristles and I shape the brush back into it's original form and lay on a clean dry towel to dry.
I empty the water from the cup and start the process all over again with the next brush.
I have read that you are only supposed to wet the bristles of the brush and not wet the metal part since that will loosen the glue that holds the bristles. I have tried that and honestly it never works. I always end up getting the metal part wet at some point. So far I haven't had any issues with my bristles falling out.
Keep in mind when you wash your brushes it will take them a day or so to dry. I usually wash mine on a Saturday that way I have the whole weekend to let them dry completely. I also have a couple of backup makeup brushes that I can use just in case. It never hurts to be prepared!
I usually wash my brushes once or twice a month and in between washing them I use a makeup brush cleaner spray.
I picked up this daily brush cleaner spray at Sephora for around $6.
After you apply your makeup spray 2-3 times on your brush and then wipe on a lint free towel. I just use a paper towel and then leave my brushes out to dry for the rest of the day. Usually they are dry by the time I get home from work or if I do this at night they will be dry by the next morning.
There are all kinds of makeup cleaning shampoo made specifically for makeup brushes but I have always used my son's shampoo. It is gentle and I feel like it gets my brushes clean so I've never really seen the need to buy any of those products.
I hope this helps any of you out there and if you have any questions please comment below.
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