image from Google
I picked up this eye cream about a month ago. I've read mixed reviews on it so I asked the lady at Sephora about it. She said it was a really good eye cream for fading dark circles and puffiness. (The packaging is adorable too) Sephora has a really good return policy so I don't ever fear buying anything from them.
Now I have read on some reviews that it made some people's eyes red and burn. Ummm.... yeah that kinda scared me. I don't want to end up worse than where I started. I also wear contacts and the lady at Sephora said it was safe to use with contacts. So here we go....
I have some slight puffiness in the mornings when I wake up but generally it goes away as the day goes on. I also have some fine lines around the corner of my eyes and some dark circles. It's not bad but it's noticeable to me and I want to get a head start on keeping my skin looking great as I age.
After I washed my face and put on my Renewing Cream from Proactiv I took my ring finger and dotted a little cream under my eyes and the outer corner. I also applied some to the inner side of my eyes near the bridge of my nose (a little lower than where glasses would sit). I took my ring finger and smoothed it so it would cover the whole area but didn't rub it in all the way. (Always use your ring finger to apply products to sensitive areas since your ring finger is the weakest finger) I never rub in all the way any of my moisturizing products. I feel like the product soaks in your skin better that way.
The first thing I noticed was it kinda gives an illuminating effect to my under eye area so it didn't appear quite as dark. It was nice to have an immediate improvement. I apply this stuff religiously every morning and every night. It took about 2-3 weeks before I could tell a difference in my fine lines around my eyes. I feel like the darkness under my eyes has diminished some but not completely.
I have been trying to get more rest at night and I have also been drinking more water. I feel like that also played a part in reducing the dark circles. I try to remember to take vitamins daily as well. I tend to take care of everyone else and forget to take care of myself and that is something I need to change.
Would I buy this eye cream again? Ummmm....I don't know at this point. I'm happy that I can tell a difference in the dark circles and fine lines BUT my problem areas aren't gone completely. Maybe I'm asking too much and no matter what product I use they will never be gone entirely. I do want to try other eye creams and see which one works best for me because there are a ton of eye creams out there.
If you have a favorite eye cream please leave a comment and let me know so I can give it a try.
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