Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Love Locks

A love lock is a padlock that sweethearts lock on a public bridge, fence, or gate.  The lovebirds inscribe their initials on the lock before locking it and tossing away the key.  The belief is the two lovers would be remain together unless one party found the key and unlocked the padlock. Usually the key is thrown into a river or lake so finding your key would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack, literally. 

I had never heard of this or anyone doing this until recently.  Apparently this is done all over the world, one main place being Paris.  It's known for love so I would be very disappointed if it wasn't done there. 

Yep those are all love locks on that bridge. 

There are all kinds of different stories as to how the lock locks first came to be so it's safe to say no one really knows for sure.  Whoever came up with this idea bravo!  We definitely need more romance in the world today. 

If I ever get to venture to Paris, you can bet I will be taking my own love lock to add to the bridge.

*all images from Google


  1. My family just recently visited Paris and were able to see these love locks--I so wish I could have gone!

  2. I've heard about this love lock bridge in Paris! So beautiful. Hopefully one day we can both get there and see it!
